笔下文学小说网 > 灵异恐怖 > 满级假千金为国出征:老大等等我 > 第412章 神鬼传奇43:这上将身份,不要也罢!

第412章 神鬼传奇43:这上将身份,不要也罢!(1 / 2)

“what are you shoutg for?(你在吼什么?)”

卢卡斯·莫雷诺突然开口,眼神阴冷一瞬,紧跟着笑出声:“iss atshia, don't be too liitedyour thkg.(松岛小姐,思维别太受局限。)”

“Your try wants to be powerful, so it foundand sought operation.(你的国家想要强大,所以找到了我们寻求合作。)”

“we agreed.(我们答应了。)”卢卡斯·莫雷诺摊开手,看了看其他人,笑容不变。

“In fact, fro the very begng, we rd yover of the result. It was only after they fird that we started to iplent it.”


“otherwise……(否则……) ”卢卡斯·莫雷诺指了指索菲亚·罗德,又指向身旁一直没有说话的大卫·拉米雷斯,那位来自枫叶国的富家少爷。

“why don't we go and help Gerany and ada?(为什么我们不去帮助德意志、枫叶国?)”卢卡斯·莫雷诺身子往前一倾。

“becae of onyodo and Kikukyo, that's why we are willg to help your try.(因为有阴阳道和九菊一派,所以我们愿意帮助你的国家。)”

“So please be dful of your stat. don't let your owions affect the operation that both ofhave devoted any years to.(那么请你注意身份,不要因为你自己的情绪,影响我们双方付出多年的合作。)”

卢卡斯·莫雷诺说着,举起桌前的手机,朝松岛千夏敬了一下,“otherwise, I don't thk youbear this sequence by yourself.”





过了一会儿,安倍悠真慢悠悠开口:“iss atshia, jt sider this as a trip here. when the cereony is over toorrow and you go back, your stat will be extraordary. A general, you know.”


话音刚落,松岛千夏猛地抬手往桌面一拍,厉声道:“this stat of beg a general, I don't want it!(这上将身份,不要也罢!)”

